The application and evaluation of color doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of the orbital part trauma accompanying optic nerve injury 彩色多普勒超声检测眶部外伤伴视神经损伤
The ethmoid part because of the osteoma, is due to orbital osteoma oppression near the nerve, before the swelling and pain caused orbit. 而因筛窦部位的骨瘤,则是因骨瘤压迫到眼眶附近的神经,才引起眼眶的肿痛。
Objective To obtain clues for early diagnosis of the tumors in orbital apex and optic nerve. 目的探讨眶尖部及视神经肿瘤在眼球突出前的临床表现、影像学检查特征及临床诊断要点。
Results 18 eyes of metal orbital foreign bodies were extracted by one time and vision remained unchanged, no orbital muscle, blood vessel or nerve was damaged. 结果18例眶内金属异物均能一次摘出,视力保持术前状态,无眶内肌肉、血管或神经等损伤。
Early diagnosis of the tumors in orbital apex and optic nerve 眶尖部及视神经肿瘤的早期诊断
Results Traumatic orbital hematoma resulted in vision decrease, orbital pressure increase, proptosis, diplopia and injuries of ocular motor nerve. 结果外伤性眶内血肿引起视力下降、眼眶压增高、眼球突出、复视及眼部运动神经损害。
Conclusion: During the surgery for advanced squamous cell carcinoma of maxillary sinus with orbital invasion without the evidence of optical nerve and eye ball involvement, preservation of orbital contents is considerable even though the orbital bone and periorbit are involved by the tumor. 结论:晚期眶侵犯上颌窦鳞状细胞癌患者的手术中对有眶骨壁或眶骨膜侵犯者保留眶内容物是可以考虑的。
There were 4 cases with inferior orbital nerve anesthesia after operation. 术后出现眶下神经麻痹4例,置入硅胶移位1例。
Conclusion CT scan of orbital part has an important diagnos-tic value for optic nerve injury of intratubular segment. 结论眶部CT检查对管内段视神经损伤具有重要诊断价值,CT检查阴性不能除外该病;
The optic strut separates optic canal from superior orbital fissure, meanwhile, it separates the prominence of the optic nerve from the prominence of internal carotid artery in the lateral wall of the sphenoidal sinus. 视柱分隔视神经管和眶上裂,同时,在蝶窦外侧壁上,它分隔视神经隆突和颈内动脉隆突。
Results ( 1) The trochlear nerve entered into the orbital side of one third of superior oblique muscle, it was neighboring frontal nerve when it crossed superior levator muscle; 结果(1)滑车神经多在上斜肌后1/3段的眶面入肌,在滑车神经与上睑提肌交叉处,额神经紧邻滑车神经外侧;
Conclusion CT could well show orbital bone walls and optic nerve in the orbit, and play an important role in the diagnosis of optic nerve injury and selecting the remedy. 结论CT可较好地显示眶壁骨及眶内视神经形态,对间接视神经损伤的诊断及选择治疗方案具有重要的价值。
The Course of the Supra orbital Nerve and its Clinical Significance 眶上神经的走行层次及其临床意义
The amplitude and latency of F-VEP were normal in the orbital surgery without optic nerve injury. 2在未损伤视神经的手术操作中,其F-VEP是正常的。
When the external pressure is constant, as we assumed that the elastic modulus of skull in the injured part of orbital cavity was reduced, the stress of optic nerve in the injured part of orbital cavity increased gradually. 3. 外界压强保持不变,随着受损眼眶侧的颅骨弹性模量的降低,受损眼眶侧的视神经应力逐渐增大。